Step 1:Contact us with your preferred date listed above
Step 2:
Send payment
Step 3:
Receive booking confirmation email with consent forms, location details and useful activity information
Step 4:
Attend the adventure of a lifetime
Step 1: Contact us with your preferred date for availability
Step 2:
Send payment from one of the methods below
Step 3:
Receive booking confirmation email with consent forms, location details and useful activity information
Step 4:
Attend the adventure of a lifetime
Payment Methods
Bank transfer please contact us
for transfer details, notify us of payments with your email address so we can send you booking confirmation and check availability with us first
Advanced Instructed Bookings available 7 days a week
Spring, summer & Autumn 09:00 - 21:00
Winter 09:00 - 17:00
Open Public & Bank Holiday
All activities have been risk assessed and include Emergency Action and Operating Procedures. Extreme Ventures fully complies with regulating bodies including Health and Safety, National Governing Bodies and Adventure Activity Licensing Authority
All prices include Insurance, Fully Qualified, Experienced & CRB Checked Instructor, Equipment, and entrance/hire fees.